Page 14 - Innovator Handbook
P. 14

Research and Development Considerations
Will I be able to publish the results of my research and still protect the commercial value of my innovation?
Yes, but intellectual property rights are affected by publication, so it
is best practice to submit an intellectual property disclosure before publishing any documents that describe the innovation. There are significant differences between the U.S. and other countries as to
how publication affects intellectual property protection. Once publicly disclosed (published or presented in some form), an innovation may have limited or no potential for intellectual property protection. Be sure to inform OTD of any past or future presentation, lecture, poster, abstract, description, proposal, dissertation, thesis, publication or other public disclosure of your innovation.
May I use materials or intellectual property from others in my research?
Yes, but it is important to carefully document the date and conditions of use so that a determination can be made if this use may influence the commercial potential of your subsequent research results. If you want

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