Page 31 - Innovator Handbook
P. 31

Marketing to Find a Licensee
How does OTD market my innovation?
OTD uses a variety of resources and strategies to market innovations. In-depth market research assists in identifying market trends, competing technologies, and potential licensees. Posting innovations on the OTD webpage and other media channels gives innovations more exposure. Attending conferences and events generates interest among industry contacts.
How are most licensees found?
In many cases, licensees are contacts already known by you or your colleagues. These contacts are acquired through sources such as research, consulting, and alumni. Licensees are also identified through relationships cultivated by OTD. The office works to broaden these relationships through contacts obtained from market research inquiries and industry events.
How long does it take to find a potential licensee?
It can take months or even years to identify a licensee, depending
on the attractiveness of the innovation, its stage of development, competition, and the size of the market. Most university innovations tend to be in the early stages of development and require substantial commercialization investment, which makes it difficult to immediately attract a licensee.
Can my innovation have more than one licensee?
Yes, an innovation can be licensed to multiple licensees, either non- exclusively to several companies or exclusively to several companies, each only for a unique field of use (application) or territory.
How can I assist in marketing my innovation?
Your active involvement in the technology transfer process can dramatically improve the chances of matching your innovation with a licensee. Your research and consulting relationships are often helpful in identifying potential licensees. Once a potential licensee is identified, you are the best person to describe the details of your innovation and promote its advantages. The most successful technology transfer results are obtained when the researcher and OTD work together as a team to market and promote the innovation.

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